Volunteering is not required, but parent engagement is certainly welcomed at St. James Preschool. We respect that parents have many demands on their time and energy, so opportunities to get involved are found both in and out of the classroom to accommodate all schedules.

Classroom visits
Parents are invited into the classroom to share a passion, something from their culture, or a story with the children. Projects can be as simple as reading a book, or more involved such as making sushi. Volunteering in the classroom is encouraged and welcomed by all staff.

Field trip chaperones
Parents can join their child’s class on field trips both during the school year and at summer camp. Excursions on the big yellow bus include visits to San Francisco playgrounds, museums, the Marin Headlands, and other favorite local spots.

Room parents
Each class has two room parents who help organize events like teacher appreciation week, parent social nights, and family gatherings outside the classroom, as well as coordinate communication between the class parents.