SJP community: vibrant and vital.
The St. James community is a vital, committed, and supportive aspect of the preschool. It’s comprised of roughly 40 families, and it’s amazing to see what can come out of such a vibrant, fun, and dedicated group.
Parents are integral parts of the community and take active roles in the development of the school. The enthusiastic help in the classroom maintains the strong bond our staff, parents, and children have with each other. Frequent social events bring the already close-knit group even closer. And their fundraising efforts have provided complete refurbishment work inside and out of the school.
This genuine, warm, and eclectic group is always looking for more great families.
Sharing passions
Parents are encouraged to share a passion with their child’s class, chaperone a trip, or help organize activities as a room parent.
Getting social
Our community is made up of fun and engaging folks, who like to provide opportunities to get together and enjoy each others’ company.
Raising funds
St. James Preschool continues to thrive because of our community’s generous and dedicated fundraising activities at the school.